Schedule Your Soul Healing Session
Energy And Channeling Session - total healing
This is a soul truth healing! We will reach out to your spirit and higher self and ask them exactly what you need, what is pressing, at the moment. If you have questions we can channel your higher self for the guidance based on your goals (healing, trauma, activations, direction).
This is a channeling earth and spirit healing energy. You can feel the waves of energy as we activated or remove any energies that aren’t for your highest health and wealth. It comes down to embrace you, and cleanse, lift and transmute energy to emotions that do not serve you. We can channel on all questions on relationships, career, spiritual purpose, emotional, or family related questions, as the Arch Angels and your own guardian angels step forward to communicate your highly important truths you need to know NOW!
Leave happy, in a much better mindset with confidence, knowing how you can tap into your own spiritual gifts and powers to create the life you want.
In being a powerful spirit, your life is completely about creating the life you want. Some of that work is the physical action and the other work is the energy work (calling in the energy, visualizing, journaling, setting free your intention). I find every time I do this healing, I have a GREAT sales day. I do it twice a week at least. For energy healings, cord cutting, gift activatoin (powerful) and channeling sessions (divine guidance) schedule a 30-min or 60 minute healing session.
30 Minute Channeling and Soul Healing Session! $115
Ask all the questions you have about your next steps and be moved and receive channeled responses, healings, manifestation, and counseling on healing at the soul level. Click Here To Pay And Get On The Schedule!
60 Minute Channeling And Soul Healing Session! $225
Using a combination of deep diving sessions, counseling, channeling sessions, and manifestation techniques - get answer to YOUR specific questions about lessons, learning, and creating the love, money, career and next move moves in your life. Channel the healing energies from your highest self for YOUR highest good. Click Here To Pay And Get On The Schedule!